Archive for the ‘Wobage News’ Category

Wobage Christmas Exhibition 2024

Wednesday, November 27th, 2024

Top shelf jugs just drawn from our Phoenix wood-salt kiln, now at Wobage Makers Gallery for our Christmas Exhibition, Open 10:00-17:00, and every Thursday, Friday & Saturday up until Christmas.

First home-made mince pies of the season are delicious! Please join us for a natter and a fresh coffee. The Gallery is looking fantastic with new stock from everyone.

Buy local, buy hand-made this Christmas!


Summer courses 2025

Wednesday, November 27th, 2024

We are busy firming up final dates and details for our 2025 season of Wobage Summer schools, whilst also making some ‘nuts n bolts’ website updates. The new season will launch and be available for booking from the beginning of December. The 4½ day Teapot course is back by popular demand. Also on the programme is the 2 day ‘Up-right!’, 3½ days ‘Define & Refine’, 3½ days ‘Jug-making’ and finally a 2 day course ‘Lids’ unsurprisingly dedicated exclusively to the wonderful challenges of lid-making! These courses begin on 16th June with Jug-making, and continue through until the end of July. Much more detail, and a new booking system here very soon. Watch this space and sign up to our very occasional Newsletter subscription.
Warm wishes,
Jem, Petra and Patia

Photo credit: Layton Thompson

Wobage Makers Gallery – Christmas 2021

Wednesday, December 15th, 2021

GooseWobage Makers Gallery is open Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 10am-5pm up until Christmas. We close for business this year at 5pm on Thursday 23rd December.

Our Gallery is spacious and well-ventilated, and packed full of fresh stock for Christmas. Please join us for a quiet browse away from the bustle of the High Streets, a natter with one of the Wobage makers, coffee and a home-made mince-pie. HR9 7QP.

Please don’t be alarmed by the local road closure. Our B road is closed at the top of the junction with the A449 Ledbury Road. From the M50, please simply follow the diversion signs via the Phocle Green B-Road where you’ll arrive at the Moody Cow Pub. Simply turn left here at the T-junction, down the hill past the ‘Road Closed’ sign. The Wobage entrance is on the left side as you come back up the hill.

We very much look forward to seeing you. Buy local this Christmas and support your local community of artists. Thank you.

2022 Summer Courses season, now live!

Wednesday, December 15th, 2021

RoseSketchesHey lovely mudslingers

Yes, we have three courses now available for booking for 2022. As we approach the shortest day with another dark dreary morning, I am already yearning for Petra’s yummy lunches under the Wobage canopy and long Summer evenings.

By popular demand, we start the season with ‘Clay-Brainstorming’, This course seeks to provide ideas for risk taking and creating new outcomes. Students will be encouraged and supported by Jeremy to explore specific exercises to brainstorm, invent and expand upon new work.

‘Lidded’ replaces the Teapot and Jar-making courses of previous years. Students will be encouraged to experiment with different scale and style of vessel. A strong emphasis will be placed upon developing different configurations for lids and galleries, and there are many to keep us entertained! Intermediates may prefer to develop jars and casseroles, whilst those with more experience may wish to work exclusively on teapots.

‘Big Improvers’ is designed for makers to develop more advanced techniques in wheel-throwing. We are delighted to welcome Jack Welbourne, to tutor alongside Jeremy for the final two days of this course. Jeremy and Jack will demonstrate and provide one to one tutorial, in a range of techniques in throwing and assembling larger forms. We guarantee that we will improve your skills in throwing more clay, more comfortably. We will begin with techniques in single piece throwing and move on to various methods of multi-part throwing and assembling. This will include multi-part wet throwing, a method often coined ‘Carolinian Capping’, as well as ‘Coil and Throw’.

We can’t wait to welcome students to the throwing studio next Summer. Whether or not you’ve been part of the Wobage mudslinging community in previous years, we guarantee you plenty of fun and creative challenge in 2022.


New Courses season 2022

Monday, December 6th, 2021

Version 3Thanks for your patience mudslingers. Our courses programme for next year, will be live and available for booking very shortly!

Wobage Makers Gallery – Christmas Opening 2020

Tuesday, December 10th, 2019


The Wobage Gallery is looking absolutely fantastic for Christmas, and is brimming with top quality stock from all our resident makers.

Patia has a fabulous and diverse range of stock in both Slip-decorated Earthenware, and Porcelain. Petra has been busy in the pottery once again, making her unique range of slab-built domestic ware, wood salt-fired alongside Jeremy’s wheel-thrown stoneware. Pet has also been prolific in the Print Shed in Madley, Jill Barnaby’s communal print workshop, where she has been printing a selection of collographs, complimenting her pots perfectly.

New to the Gallery this year, is Nina Casson McGarva’s wonderful and contemporary glass jewellery. Abstract shapes and careful juxtaposition of colour, make each pendant and pair of ear-rings a unique gift. Also on show, Kitchenwood and furniture by Ben Casson, Wildwicker baskets by Clyde Hoare, pots by Andrew & Clare McGarva and Sheila Herring, Jewellery by Clair Hodgson.

The Gallery is open Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 10am-5pm, up until Saturday 21st December 2020. BUY LOCAL, BUY HAND-MADE THIS CHRISTMAS! Please join us, the makers,  for a natter, some fresh tea or coffee and a home-made mince-pie.

Wobage Makers Gallery, Upton Bishop, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire. HR9 7QP. 01989 780495.

2020 Courses Live and Available for Booking!

Monday, December 9th, 2019

fullsizeoutput_59dOur season of Summer Schools for 2020 is now live on the website and available for booking!

Patia, Petra and Jeremy are very much looking forward to next Summer, to welcoming a fresh cohort of students, and meeting friends old and new.

For further details, please visit the individual course pages, via the following links:

Jeremy’s courses in wheel-thrown stoneware, begin with ‘Jugs & Pourers’, 6-9th July, followed by ‘Teapots’, 22nd – 26th July, and finally ‘Clay-Brainstorming’, 30th July – 2nd August.

Patia will be running her now legendary 4-Day Earthenware Slip-decorating course between 16th and 19th July.

You should find all the information you need on each of these individual course pages, but if there’s anything we’ve not covered, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via our contact form. Also if you are in any way unsure about the skill level at which you’ll be entering any of the courses. We are very happy to answer any questions!

We very much look forward to welcoming you to Wobage Workshops in 2020!




Summer Courses 2020

Tuesday, November 12th, 2019

fullsizeoutput_6c9Dear Wobage Mudslingers. Our seasson of Courses for the new year will be launched and available for booking towards the end of this month, November. Patia and I are busy assembling course structure and final details in order to make them live for you as soon as possible. In summary, dates and course titles are as follows:


Jug-Making – 3½ days, Jeremy – Mon.6th – Thurs. 9th July

Slip-decorating earthenware – 4 days, Patia – Thurs.16th – Sun.19th July

Teapots – 4½ days, Jeremy – Wed.22nd – Sun. 26th July

Clay Brainstorming – 3½ days, Jeremy – Thurs.30th July – Sunday 2nd August


Wobage Christmas Exhibition 2018, final opening hours

Thursday, December 20th, 2018

Version 2It’s been wonderful to see the Wobage Makers Gallery so busy up to Christmas. Our final opening hours are Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd December, 10am- 5pm. Both Patia and Jeremy have both fired again subsequent to the Private View opening back in November, so there is still plenty of fresh and exciting new work to choose from. Also Kitchenwood by Ben Casson, baskets by Clyde Hoare, sculpture by Lucy Casson, pots by Sheila Herring. Why not escape the chaos of the High Streets and enjoy the quiet tranquility of shopping at Wobage for local hand-made gifts this Christmas!

The Gallery is officially closed in January and February. However if you’d like to drop by for a browse or to purchase something specifically over this winter period, please don’t hesitate to give us a call and arrange a day and time. 01989 780495.

New Courses season 2019!

Tuesday, December 18th, 2018

Demo.webOur course schedule for 2019 is now live and available for booking, horrahh! Please accept our sincere apologies for the protracted delay.

There are three Improvers courses, all in July, aimed at makers with some previous experience in wheel throwing. The titles for these are ‘Thrown and Altered’, ‘Just Mugs!’ and finally ‘Jars’. Each are three and a half days in duration and are tutored by Jeremy, using his buff stoneware clay. If you’ve any queries regarding any of the detail featured on each individual course, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We have a busy year ahead, including a wood-salt kiln build, so regrettably we will not be running any two-day Beginners courses this season, sorry!

Patia has been invited to demonstrate at the prestigious Aberystywth ICF (International Ceramics Festival) in early July, so she is taking a back-seat in her Wobage teaching for 2019. Those of you awaiting places on her popular Slip-decoration and Porcelain courses, will I’m afraid have to wait until 2020, we are sorry! The dates for Aber’ ICF are 5th – 7th July 2019, should anyone be interested in attending. You can join the Festival just for the day, or for the full long-weekend. For bookings or futher information on ICF click here! It is consistently a stunning line-up of clay demonstration and firing and a wonderful atmosphere amongst mudslinging enthusiasts world-wide. An unmissable event in the clay calendar!

We are very much looking forward to the new Wobage mudslinging season in Summer 2019, to welcoming back familiar friends and new students alike.