Archive for March, 2015

Wild Wicker courses at Wobage

Thursday, March 5th, 2015

2014-06-25 20.53.04Basketmaker Clyde Hoare will be running regular introductory courses in basket weaving throughtout the year. These are day-long courses that introduce a basic understanding of basket making from its history to its place in the modern world. You will get to craft your own basket using green and dried willow, red and yellow dog wood and other seasonal materials. Clyde will guide you through the different stages of the basket and you will have a lovely handmade basket at the end of the day

The course costs £50 per person. This includes all materials, tea, coffee and homemade cake. To find out about a full range of courses, forthcoming dates and to make a booking, please contact Clyde on 07866138436 or


magor workshop 008

Basketmaker joins studios

Thursday, March 5th, 2015

clydebasketWe are delighted to welcome basketmaker Clyde Jefferson to the Wobage studios. Working in the upstairs of the Farm granary, Clyde works alone creating a range of traditional baskets, handmade from a wide variety of natural hedgerow materials.  All materials are sourced from renewable and sustainably managed hedgerows.  They include willows of many types, dogwood, privet, holly, spindle tree and many others.

Clyde is inspired by the colours of nature, and by the geometric patterns he creates as he weaves and crafts a myriad of shapes and sizes from big log baskets, laundry baskets and plant containers to fruit bowls, gift hampers, shopping baskets, sewing baskets and wastepaper bins.

By reviving this ancient craft, he has realised the relevant application of natural, renewable materials and its place in a modern lifestyle, from replacing plastic shopping baskets to providing a living fence to surround your garden.

Baskets can be made to your specifications – if you can think it, Clyde can make it!
