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Jugs & Pourers – 3½ day Improvers 2025


Mon 16th – Thurs 19th June

Skill Level

Advanced, Intermediate


Jeremy Steward


Spread over 3½ days, this course is aimed at more experienced makers to develop their jug-making and pouring bowls in wheel-thrown stoneware.

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This course is now fully booked with the maximum 9 students. Nearer to course start dates we do sometimes receive cancellations. Therefore further additional enquiries will be added to a reserve list, so please leave your details via the Contact Form. Should a cancellation occur, we’ll be back in touch with prospective students in the order that your form is received.

Students will be encouraged to experiment with different scale and style of vessel. A strong emphasis will also be placed upon handling and there will be opportunity for you to learn composite throwing; two and three part assembly. We will also cover clay preparation and wedging techniques, if students wish, along with the range of throwing techniques required to make better upright forms more efficiently and confidently. Students will be encouraged to look closely at the weights and measures of pots and to challenge these in relation to ergonomics and fitness to purpose. One-to-one and group tutorial will be tailored to inspire students to develop new skills and to imaginatively expand upon their own individual range of pots.
The studio invites a maximum of 9 students for this course. Each participant will enjoy unlimited access to our high-quality stoneware clay, and to a power wheel for the full duration. The wheel models are predominantly Fitzwilliam Rayefcos along with a couple of Alsagers.

It will be expected that students attending this course will already have some experience in wheel throwing. The course will obviously cater for students at different levels of capability. However, applications are welcome only from students who are confidently already able to centre, and to comfortably lift-up a kilo or more of clay into an upright shape.

The course begins on the afternoon of Monday 16th June 2025, 2pm – 5pm. Tuition hours otherwise are 10am-4pm daily, the course completing with a final cuppa and natter at 4pm on Thursday 19th. The studio is freely available for students to work outside of these hours, early or late. The course fee includes fabulous home-made vegetarian lunches, Tuesday through to Thursday along with morning and afternoon refreshments.

Students will be invited to select a maximum of two favourite jugs to be salt-glazed and wood-fired at a cost of £5/lb. Given sufficient time on the last day, the tutor is happy to provide some instruction and demonstration to help you to raw-glaze and slip-decorate your selected work. Alternatively, Jem will do this for you after you have chosen your preferred slip colour/s, after the close of the course. These pots will be fired during Autumn / Winter 2025 and students may choose to collect from Wobage or have their pots posted out via courier for which a small additional P&P cost will be charged.
You may take home as much leather-hard work as you wish, within reason, which has made within the structure of the course. These green pots will be charged at £1.50/lb.

More information about Jeremy Steward is available on the Tutors Pages.

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